Spotlight Cafe

What is the Spotlight Cafe? An event crafted by the senior class of Grace Christian Academy. Naomi a senior at GCA and performing the role of Esther has put together a wonderful program for the evening of March 30th, beginning at 7pm.


Looking for a relaxing place to go after a stressful Friday?

Come to Grace Christian Academy’s first-ever Coffee House. An event especially crafted by the senior class, with your enjoyment in mind. They are selling an array of decadent desserts and hot drinks for the whole family.

What’s a fun night without great entertainment?

Naomi reached out to numerous talented performers ranging from both the student body at GCA and special guest appearances by The School OF Singing.

Share this event with your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you there!

Until the Next Time,

Daniel and The Greater Works Productions Team

Beautiful Singing

This past weekend we had the honor of having Naomi Smith who is performing the title role of Esther perform a beautiful piece called “Intorno all’idol mio.” This was a perfect opportunity for Naomi to perform her piece because she was auditioning for Nyack College’s Vocal Performance Program the following day.

She had a successful audition and here are some of her highlights that she shared with us. This is some good information for some of you who are readying for college auditions because you just never know what to expect. Naomi mentioned that she audited an ear training class of which she found quite interesting. Faculty proceeded by choosing random pieces for her to sing liking “Intorno all’idol mio” and told her to keep it for her upcoming summer competition. They tested her range and then asked to sing in front of the professor’s class of top students, talk about being put on the spot. Needless to say, they loved her and was invited to the professor’s upcoming concert and looking forward to her coming back.

That is a wonderful report of what sometimes can be a very unpredictable process because you just never know what to expect. Enjoy the piece and Naomi’s performance.

Until the next time,

Daniel and The Greater Works Productions Team

Meet One of the Cast and Creative Team

I meant it when I said we are going to have a ton of updates. In fact, don’t be surprised if you begin seeing a couple a day.

We are so excited about every individual in the production of Esther that I will be highlighting a different cast and creative team member over the course of the next couple of months.

Performing the role of Mordecai is Robert Brockett. Mordecai is Esther’s cousin and father figure. He adopted Esther at a young age because her parents had died leaving her an orphan. Robert will bring the special touch that is required to play the role of Mordecai.

Robert works within the East Rockaway public school system and goes the extra mile to bring about a positive atmosphere among students and peers alike. His most recent role performed was the mad scientist in Objects in Christmas and the role of Jesus in an Easter production.

In addition to his prior role credits, Robert is the set designer for Esther. Click here to view a rough sketch  of the set. He has a special gift with his hands in woodworking and can literally make anything from sets, furniture, steps, runners, platforms, carvings, and the list goes on. He loves music, singing, reading, and loves flying the American Flag.

We could not have chosen a better person for the role of Mordecai and look forward to what he will bring to the character. Robert is caring, has a heart for the youth, and always looking for ways to be a help to others. Don’t be surprised if you see Robert wearing a Tallit Prayer Shawl in the near future.

Until the Next Time,

Daniel and The Greater Works Productions Team